04/23 (Tuesday)-6-7:30pm/The Floor
Sing Gaston and Gaston Reprise
Gaston, Lefou, all Les Filles de la Ville, all Gaston’s Cronies, Gaston’s Tavern Patrons, Tavern Master
4/24 (Wednesday)-5:30pm-6:30pm/The Floor
Sing Beauty and The Beast
Belle, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, Cogsworth
04/25 (Thursday)-5:30-7:15pm/The Floor
Sing Belle
Belle, Shepherd, Marie, Tavern Master, Laundry Lady, Baker, Milkmaid, Flower Seller, Sausage Curl Lady, Candlemaker, Hat Seller, Bookseller, Female Villagers, Male Villagers, Gaston, Lefou, all Les Filles de la Ville
04/28 (Sunday)-2:00-4:30pm/The Floor
Block and Choreo Opening Scene/Prologue/Act 1 Sc.1
Young Prince, Narrator, Enchantress, Opening Sequence Dancers, Belle, Shepherd, Marie, Tavern Master, Laundry Lady, Baker, Milkmaid, Flower Seller, Sausage Curl Lady, Candlemaker, Hat Seller, Bookseller, Male and Female Villagers, Lefou, Gaston, Les Filles de la Ville, Maurice